Friday, December 4, 2015

What I take from what I heard, read, saw in the event (MM7)

On the whole, I find that what I saw and heard on the Webinars I attended (either live or by means of the recording) makes me more sure of the road I have taken as a teacher: I have long made a decision that it is worth  taking risks, innovating, meeting new challenges, changing the way I teach, learning by doing and by teaching, and feeling that that is the right thing to do. To be sure, MM7 Webinars have in common that daring to change is rright, whereas staying in the comfort zone of the past is not a stand a teacher in the 21st Century can take.

It seems that I have not heard much that is "new" to me when it comes to teaching and learning. This is ot, however, true. I may have heard much, but as i reflected on some of the Webinars, I found out that I should put more effort on applying some ideas different presenters discussed. I will take a few as examples:

Angelos Bollas (link to his session) mentioned feeding forward as a practice that certainly reinforces learning. I must do that more often. 

Dr. Ludmila Smirnova (link to her Webinar) talked about creating "a sense of community" among the participants of a Moodle workshop (of course, she discussed other things, too). I have made it a point to apply that suggestion in a Moodle workshop I have developed and am about to start, while I have already done so on two workshops I am facilitating. I enjoyed the way she presented this idea. 

Marjorie Rosenberg (link to her Webinar) discussed ways to engage different learners. She made me remember what I had studied when i took courses on the subjects that she discussed. I noticed that I apply ideas she mentioned, but made me aware of the fact that I must record what I do to make it better as time goes by.
I enjoyed the Webinar.

Finally, the Webinar "Digital Storytelling in the classroom" made me check again how creating cartoons in order to tell a story can be integrated into my lessons (and how I cn get pupils to create those stories).

Note: Not having dealt on this post on what Iearned on the other Webinars does not mean that I have not learned anything on them, or that they are not worth spending time on. However, what I mentioned on this post seems to me, at this stage, the most rlevant stuff I take along with me.

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